Cracked Soap

by Anonymous

I have had a few batches of soap split/crack on top in center of my mold shortly after I pour it into my mold. (about 30 min after) Is this normal? It does not really bother me. I am just curious if that means I am doing something wrong? Thanks


When you get a split down the middle of the soap while it is insulating, it means that the soap is heating up really hot, really fast.

This often can happen with soap that contains milk or sugar ingredients though it can happen to soap that does not.

You may be over insulating the soap. Try opening up the soap a bit. During the first while, keep checking on the soap. As soon as it reaches a full gel, you can open it up completely and place a fan on it to cool it down. This should help stop the volcano like effect that can split the soap.

Good luck,

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