Glycerin soap flop

by Alta Carstens
(Worcester-South Africa)

I made glycerin soap...rebatched tallow soap....all the fat came to the top while I was busy stirring in the double cooker...had to scoop it my soap stays wobbly in the moulds...won't dare to take it out. Do I discard it, or is there something I can still do about it? What did I do wrong...would SO much like to make my own glycerin soap from scratch, although I know it's a lot of trouble making it.



I'm actually kind of confused by your question.

When you say glycerin soap, are you referring to transparent soap or regular cold process soap?

The term "glycerin soap" is often used for both types of soap.

Not sure why your soap would seperate during the rebatching process but I'm certain the soap isn't right if it did. I wouldn't use it.

I also have no idea what might have caused this to happen. Sorry.

My mother and I used to make transparent soap and we used Catherine Failors book "Transparent Soapmaking". The soap it produced was great and not exceptionally hard to do.

Good luck,

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Transparent soap book
by: Cathy

I've added a link for a book of instructions and recipes my mother and I used to make transparent soap into the main body of the question since this program won't allow it in the comments.

You will find it invaluable when making transparent soap.

Good luck,

Glycering soap
by: Alta

Yes, I'm referring to transparent soap.

Glycerin soap
by: Alta

I found a recipe on the net...had to make a tallow soap...let it rest for 3 days and then grated it, melt it and mixed the vodka and then the sugar syrup in...I then mixed it in a double boiler...did this for more than an hour and the fat came to the top bit by bit, while the glycerin stayed at the bottom....maybe I mixed for too long or maybe I must find another recipe...want SO much to make my OWN glycerin soap...dont want to buy it. But then I must try to get a new recipe...and it took me ages to find this one...maybe you have the right recipe for me....thanx anyway for answering my question...I really appreciate it.

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