Laundry Soap & Household Recipes

by Christine

I Would love to try out the laundry soap & other household cleaning recipes. However, one of the ingredients, namely 'BORAX' Is banned for use in the UK. What can I use as a substitute in all your cleansing recipes? Can I use the sub in any recipe calling for the use of borax? HELP!!!


There isn't really a substitute for Borax but you could always up the baking soda amount (or use instead depending on the recipe). It will probably work just fine.


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Laundry Soap
by: Asha

Hi Christine,

I'm in the UK, you can get a Borax substitute through Amazon from UK suppliers. As far as I've been able to find out it works the same as Borax without the possible 'dangers' associated with real Borax.

by: Christine (UK)

So if baking soda was 30g and borax was 50g, would I just use 80g baking soda? What is the difference between the two?


I really just added the cleaning recipes as a fun aside to my site and I don't have a chemistry degree or anything so I can't really tell you the chemical differences between the two ingredients.

What I do know is that they are both used to clean and they can both be used safely together. In the past, if I was out of one, I would use the other instead (same for washing soda) and the final cleaning products do not seem too different.

Borax = sodium borate
Baking Soda = sodium bicarbonate


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