What are soap flakes?

by Francesca
(Waltham, MA, USA)

Ok I get the idea from the title but what kind do I use?

I've mostly been doing melt and pour soaps but I recently got a book called "The soapmaker" by Janita Morris and she has some great ideas for whipped cream soaps that only require soap flakes, glycerin and sunflower oil, then you add the fragrences and dyes.

So I need some more info on what type of soap flakes, one site said to use the kind used for detergent, can I use glycerin soap or is this some other type of glycerin and can I use sunflower oil from the grocery store?

Also can you direct me to a site to purchase some of these items if they are special order? Thanks.


Sorry, but I've never bought or used soap flakes...perhaps a reader will have some information for you.


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Ok just to clarify
by: Francesca

The soap I want to make is for skin. NOT Laundry. Any ideas?

soap flakes
by: rosegardennc

You can use Arm & Hammer washing soda, which is baking soda in a flake form. I asked my local Ace Hardware to order it for me for about $3.50 a box. You can also order it online for about the same price. This goes a long way since you are using 1/4 cup per batch of laundry soap. You can also use baking soda, but the point is to put a scrubbing agent in the detergent, so it will not be quite the same. I tried this on my first batch of laundry soap while waiting for the washing soda to arrive. Not bad, but I can see how the flakes work better.
I have not been soaping long, and want to thank Cathy for the inspiration and support that she gives to people like us who are just starting out! Thanks, Cathy!

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